🔥 Claim These Airdrops + Important Airdrop Updates 🔥 #claimairdrop #airdropupdate #freeairdrop


Today, we cover a couple of Airdrop Claims that you can Get. And Many updates on different Projects and Airdrops. Especially the Updates on the $DOP Airdrop and the voting pools of the last few days. Claim Airdrops and Airdrop Updates.



1) Claim NIM Airdrop for $DYM stakers (Dymension Stakers): https://claim.nim.network/

2) Stake $DYM for more Airdrops here: https://portal.dymension.xyz/dymension/staking

3) Claim $SHARK. Note that the claim is on the Migaloo chain but you can also trade it on Osmosis. Currently, there is 200% APR on LSD staking. https://www.sharkprotocol.bet/airdrop
Shark Airdrop Eligibility: https://twitter.com/SharkProtocol_/status/1751568906890698777?s=20

4) Claim $OHNO meme coin for Blast Users. (DYOR) https://twitter.com/Airdrop_Adv/status/1770872863727247398?s=20

5) Claim Starknet tokens $STRK for the Element NFT Marketplace: https://twitter.com/element_market/status/1771110888176566558?s=46&t=Fh39xGmdBNZkU-HFRFABrw

6) Check your LogX Airdrop. Is LIVE now: https://pro.logx.trade/rewards

7) Hercules DEX Alpha Pools opens soon. Do not miss this. https://www.hercules.exchange/

8) Last Chance to Claim your Hydro Airdrop Season 1: https://app.hydroprotocol.finance/airdrop

9) Major Updates on $DOP Community Project. There were 2 community votes to decide if there were a testnet-exclusive sale round or not and what allocation. https://dop.org/ https://vote.dop.org/

Seems this affected to previous token buyers. And the community is not very happy. Check here all these details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lCL1s3m3RCHloPlxKbSu5xL1QabPuCrqctRIaPAHKW4/edit



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Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, METIS DAO for the Next Bullrun. Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3. BitsCrunch Airdr.op AI NFTs. ZkSync XBank Airdrop Now. Universal Chains Airdrop ONFT. Dymension Pyth Wormhole Updates. Claim Airdrops and Airdrop Updates.

Check our ZkSync Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/zksync-airdrop-full-guide/

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