⚠️ What is Goerli Ethereum? How to Get Goerli Ethereum Tokens $gETH ⚠️

Today, we do this Educational Video explaining What is Goerli Ethereum and How to Get Goerli Ethereum Tokens $gETH. If you are doing crypto airdrops this is an important topic, and you will be able always to come back to this video to get your goerli tokens for your airdrops.


What is Goerli?

The Goerli (Görli) blockchain is a PoA (Proof-of-Authority) public cross-client testing blockchain, created and maintained by the Ethereum community to assist the Ethereum development, with Goerli, developers are allowed to perform blockchain development testing before deploying their smart contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet


How add Ethereum Goerli into Metamask?

You can do it on your Metamask enabling your Testnet Networks. But the easiest way is going into Chainlist. https://chainlist.org/?testnets=true&search=goerli
This link sends you to the search with the Testnets ON and the goerli term in the search. Click Add to Metamask and Accept it when pumps in your Browser. Done!


How get gETH Faucet Tokens?

Here you have a Main link to different websites where you can get your free gETH tokens. https://faucetlink.to/goerli
My 2 favorite places to get gETH are:
a) Alchemy you can log in with google and use it: https://goerlifaucet.com/
b) This URL where you mint gETH easily: https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de/

You can also BUY some gETH using the Layer Zero test bridge here:
In this bridge, you can pay with ETH from Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, and Arbitrum and you get gETH in your Goerli Ethereum Testnet.
This is the best if you use a lot of gETH because is really cheap. Recommend using Op or Arb so you pay less gas fee.

You are done you have your Goerli Ethereum Testnet with gETH to pay gas fee. You can apply any Airdrop where you need this as a requirement.



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Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3 .

Check out Vela Exchange Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/vela-exchange-beta-airdrop/

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