💎 Zora Airdrop $2000 Guaranteed 🚀 Paradigm Launched Optimism Airdrop #zora #zoraairdrop #airdrop


Today, we cover this Important Zora Airdrop where you could get a $2000 Guaranteed Airdrop or more. This project is backed by Paradigm which backed many of the biggest Airdrops in History.

ZORA is an NFT marketplace protocol. It never goes down, it’s composable, immutable, universally accessible, and censorship-resistant. ZORA V3 includes some novel mechanisms that incentivize platforms built on the protocol, as well as a groundbreaking modular architectural design that allows for a permissionless system that can continue to deploy new versions.

ZORA doesn’t have its own token but could launch one in the future. Early users who’ve bought, listed, or sold NFTs may get an airdrop if they launch their own token.

– Amount Raised: $60 million from Coinbase Ventures, Haun Ventures, paradigm, etc
– Almost all Paradigm’s investments yield 5-6 figure airdrops:
* Ribbon: $100,000
* Dydx: $50,000
* Optimism: $10,000


Zora Marketplace NFT
Step by Step

1) Follow them on Twitter

2) Let's Start On the Testnet:
You will need to connect with Goerli Ethereum and have some gETH tokens.
Check here to do that: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/how-to-get-goerli-ethereum-tokens/
After that go to the Testnet here: https://testnet.zora.co

3) Connect metamask
- Click "Create"
- Create an NFT collection, choose "Edition"
- Upload a picture from your device
- Click on “Continue”

4) Give your Nft a name
- Describe it
- You can leave it at open edition or change it to “Fixed” Enter the Max supply you want
- Next, Reenter the Nft name and description
- Enter the mint price
- Mint duration
- Amount mintable per wallet
- Click “Continue”

5) Click “Continue” again
- Cross check your collection
- Create your Nft, Confirm transaction in your wallet

6) Now, mint our nft
- Click on “personalise mint page”
- Click on mint
- Enter the max amount to mint
- Click on mint
- Congratulations
You can as well mint other Nfts on testnet

7) Next verify your Twitter account
- Click on “Your profile”
- Click on “Tweet to Verify”
- Tweet and submit you tweet link

8) Now Lets Go To the Mainnet.
Add Zora Network:

9) Bridge from ERC-20 to Zora

10) Go Here. Connect and Mint the NFT:

11) You can as well mint this free mint on mainet
- You need funds for gas fees

12) Create your own NFT Collection:
- Fill in the required fields
- Confirm the transaction

13) MINT my NFT that is cheaper so you interact with the protocol:

14) List, sell or buy NFTs for more potential of getting more tokens similar like blur and looksrare
more activity you do more reward you get.



Check my Subscriptions to my Discord and my Airdrop Register Application:


Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3. BitsCrunch Airdr.op AI NFTs.

Check this amazing AI Decentralized NFTs Data Network and participate in this Airdrop Now. Zora Airdrop $2000 Guaranteed

Check our ZkSync Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/zksync-airdrop-full-guide/

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